Friday, November 13, 2009

Pro Wrestling Noah T Shirts

A REAL Porcher

Of all the possible definitions of the bill on the process short (so-called save-Berlusconi law) that was used by Mr. Casini seems the most appropriate and most effective way to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat, in the coming days, will take place in the Italian Parliament, namely the passage of a bill that in essence, produces an amnesty from the devastating effects for the order and justice Italians.

Many processes for serious crimes can not be celebrated and those harmed by many of those crimes will not have justice.

It was hoped that the Speaker of the House, Hon Fini, raised a bank, within the majority, such a scheme villain but, at present, we simply take note of the stormy meeting between Berlusconi and Fini a few days ago, he did walk out the door the prescription of crimes to fall through the window: just a big bullshit!

still matters, as well as the opposition action, which we hope will be unyielding and inflexible in a decisive intervention by President Napolitano to be, on this occasion use every weapon at its disposal to defend the Constitution and institutions.

Pino Frisina

Monday, November 9, 2009

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ANOTHER jackets for Berlusconi?

In all probability we will see in the coming days, the approval of yet Law ad personam by the Italian Parliament by a majority PDL-LEAGUE. This time, to save Berlusconi from a likely criminal conviction for corruption, is considering a new "sneaky" that reduces the time limitation of many crimes, including one to Mr Berlusconi's own disputed. Instead

intervene, as it would be more logical in the sense of appropriate measures to accelerate the timing of the processes is preferred, consistent with the purpose to which it seeks to ensure the impunity of a multitude of defendants crimes of a certain gravity.

as if to say, reversing the famous phrase: "Viva Samson with all the Philistines."

We hope that this wicked design you find a bank in the same majority as well as opposition, and the President of the Republic, which has already expressed his doubts about it.

It is hoped that in the majority, wise people, such as' Hon Fini, are able to thwart an attempt so blatant, and this time, even declared, contempt for Justice.

Pino Frisina

The Best Hair Defrizzer Ever

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