Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Battlefield 2 Ultra High Sound


now we're here, begin to count rovescia.Noi (again with the help of dad who has helped us to achieve it) we do with Santa Claus, which is transformed into the advent calendar ....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kingdom Hearts Psp Patch


today Intan's snowing and we are at home to decorate tree and nativity scene.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sidekick Unlimited Hack 2010

decorations DIY

With the help of his father began building our decorations.
Dad cut the desired shapes out of plywood, representatives of various parties natale.Il Our task is to decorate them, here are some people over.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Older Woman In Girdle


Hello everyone one of my passions is the cross. When I embroider towels
tends, in practice all that you see the flip side, I'm very keen to do perfetto.Non I know if you see this well in this picture is an example.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monogrammed Camcorder Bags

perfect surfing the web time clock

When my husband told me "take the computer?" I answered him "to do what we need." Then at the end he convinced me and now here I am surfing the net and try to create my site, do not think I could find so many ideas and much more.
During my second maternity leave with the excuse that the child was not sleeping I had occasion to use it a lot especially at night, I found a lot of sites really super, a little at a time you mark them all.
For the moment I greet you, I'm going to start preparing for Christmas decorations ..... A good Sunday to all.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pokemon Emerald I Want A Shiny Breed

In the bedroom
PM I dedicated a wall to the various educational activities, calling on "the wall of activities." After the billboard business
here's the wheel of time a fun way to learn the months and seasons to achieve giorni.I drawings I found on midisegni.it homemademamma.com