Monday, September 28, 2009

Standard Transmissions And Midsize Suvs


Last Sunday, we "put a stone in the pond" and are already talking excitedly of the Pro-Loco and the need to restore the image through new initiatives and renewed commitment. We congratulate SQUARE MAMERTINO for collecting timely invitation to our discussion and we hope that our attempts (relatives) to focus, even for a few days, the focus on a body with a so much potential, might produce some concrete results.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Does Pinky Have An Std


First getting into the title, two notations:
A) I have read and considered, among the comments of the previous argument, one directed to the Promoter and the editors of this blog by one of our, certainly distinguished, citizen and I understand that there are still energy to revive the fortunes of Oppido. These men have raised our society, certainly by example, clearly with the words, like those of reply yardstick to measure ourselves, to correct our warning, conscious and unconscious, errors in mitigating message, each of us , arrogance.

I hope to read more often, in the way he wants, and even if we feel the weight of its accusations. Will be useful, if sometimes a little character and little to our human limitations, let us go

Best wishes

B) Living in a civilized country is the hope, I believe that each of us carries inside silently often dormant and almost mystical, often lively and responsive. And 'swing that startles us and our hearts too often reduced aporia.
Living in a civilized country can mean, well, try to be fair to others, at least as permissive and tolerant we are with ourselves;
And to be fair, in Politics means knowing how to evaluate their choices and the other in accord with the principle and based on reliable information, or if there are documents.

A resolution of the City Council

City Council, as indicated in the insert shoulder, decided to resort to one or more external consultants, to meet its needs for administrative purposes. The news, of course, raises some interest, but also wonder.
does not make sense, in fact, or rather would not make sense, appoint external personnel to administer a town, albeit important, which already has a town clerk, four heads of department, a lawyer, but even more, a mayor, a council and a full Council Municipal.
City Council is the area in which, directly and through committees, should mature choices and the fundamental principle of the Municipality. But it is also the organ of intelligence, as elected and appointed to the preparation of management projects, both on ordinary and extraordinary. Just get it to work, advice to avoid costly, harmful to the municipal coffers. In this framework would not place, but for reasons above, another figure extramoenia.
It 'true that would be helpful employees with specific skills in various areas, as history, archeology, music, health, school, etc. You can make use of many of our fellow citizens, willing to commit without compensation. I'm sure it will ..
The proposed resolution was presented and certainly reasoned, there was a debate that will certainly have taken part components majority and minority . There has been a vote. I believe that before making a comment on the measure would be appropriate to consider the entire job Board and the positions of all groups, legal representative of the people.
not moving news official, nor complaints of politicians. forces of opposition and the majority have not made public mention.
We would like to have the resolution, the council or by the opposition, and we would be happy to examine it, to be able to fully express our thinking and open debate. Until now, the new administration was organized by restoring the status quo ante, with one variation: the reduction of areas from five to four, which we were able to censor, if not responsible, for form and for the purpose, we continue to believe not that of efficiency and savings.
to deploy a more professional, there must surely be a strong motivation, purpose, and the availability of funds. There must be a professional profile related to the objective and, of course, a forecast of procedure for the selection of the new agency staff. We look forward to reading the resolution, to initiate a collective reflection by network ..
From our point of view it is time to appoint the Ombudsman, established with the approval of the Statute, and now a necessary counterweight majority minority that legitimate government.


In the United States' America, land of one of the oldest constitutions in the world, written by the Founding Fathers in 1787, democracy was the conquest of each day a constant battle to eliminate the contradictions of a society of great charm, but tainted by stories of injustice and bullying is not always understood.

America has elected a few months ago a new President: Barack Obama, an African man for his father's side (her mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, a white family Kansas, a graduate in Anthropology and Rural Development), whose roots lie in the continent which moves the first man to populate the Earth. It 'a nation of immigrants , already convicted for genocide and responsible for the first global nuclear catastrophe. But it is also the promised land where all civilizations have been mixed, giving rise to a new humanity genetically mixed, multicultural, integrated, that we, here in Oppido , we are beginning to know and maybe we are not yet able to govern.

America has also shown great generosity and stopped the Nazi Fascism, resurrecting Europe, but his system, often dominated by the forces of selfishness, has created global economic crisis of catastrophic scale.

The crisis of 1929

The capitalist system in 1929 showed, in an unpublished version, dramatic and all its contradictions , engulfing the U.S. economy and all those connected to the dial America. On 12 October of that year is written in world history as the day of "great danger". In just a few hours on Wall Street, New York, recorded an impressive number of sales and securities offerings. The financial turmoil paved the way for depression that choked, suddenly, American security and erase the image of a prosperous nation, as we define it, just days before the Republican President Herbert Hoover.

national income going to the rich as much as

Industrial production recorded the results at the highest levels, the stocks of products were impressive, but economically unproductive because unsold, Hoover did not realize the imbalance in the distribution of national income that depressed domestic demand, negating the efficiency business (5% of the population was the recipient of more than 1 / 3 of national income).
American democracy responded with a new policy, that of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal (new course). The thirty-first President of the United States devoted himself, with restless commitment to deal with a crisis so invasive as to cause concern the dissolution of that great and complex country. The New Deal and its programs based on new ethical and economic neokeynesiana of inspiration, in the second phase: state intervention in economy, remodeling of the capitalist mode of production, labor protection. The program sought to reclaim the economy and combat the advance of socialism.

The long march of Roosevelt lifted the fortunes of America and the world, but its program, built on social paradigms, demonstrated the limits of free markets and the primacy of a liberal Socialist, combining freedom and social justice, free markets and equity of distribution, liberal individualism and sociability.


few years ago the failure of Lehman Brothers opened a new crisis, and perhaps more profound as the Great Depression, ending the rampant model liberal, raised by Reagan, perpetuated by all governments, even by Clinton, and culminated in the war-Bushism. Crisis heralded by many unheard voices, including the never faltering and pounding by Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize for economics in 2008.

E 'come forward to Barack Obama, as Roosevelt. The scenario of the crisis is more serious than the Great Depression. The company is at the limit of the black president of the highest risk. Moving from a speculative market to a system of production and exchange set will not be easy.

The Americans have squandered all their private domestic savings, have created the most great debt of the world, exporting licenses in all the earth, attracted and consumed savings from emerging countries and Europe, has replaced the war to diplomacy, involving Europe in a disastrous and terrible clash between the Christian and Islamic have finally elected a President "heretic" has the great mission of defending freedom, democracy, peace to all Americans, against the regime Insider pushing to maintain the privileged caste and miseries of great people. Obama is a socialist - he wrote a conservative American newspaper, in derogatory tone - that all want a health care paid for by the rich, a new justice to contribute to penalize capital, more labor protections that prevent the adequate and necessary flexibility. This Obama like all democrats in the world and to us, the Italians, who are recording a large deficit of democracy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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LEGALITY 'AND DEVELOPMENT - The Port of Gioia Tauro is a potential engine of progress - E' need a project of liberation from all the gangs.

Oppido Mamertina is part of a large geographic area with significant development potential, but with serious delays that have created spaces for social deviance and organized crime.

- Mafias block the growth processes -

The port of Gioia Tauro, the most major centers in Europe, was, and could still be a great hope.
The Port was created to serve an area of \u200b\u200bthe South and to reduce the infrastructure gap, because of the Regions of South sottosvillo Get to the end of politics inspired programming as an appendix to a season of rebuilding the country and large and direct presence in the economy. Does not pass, however, along with Porto, the recovery plan industrial Plains and inland, complementary and indispensable to give a complete answer, the rational and practical application of capital that is not backward agricultural economy and assisted had been able to generate and accumulate for the purpose of investment: in Calabria " agrarian bourgeoisie" has kept our campaigns in the discount, wasting the wealth created by labor and diverting the savings to the north of the country (also open up this chapter of the responsibility for the historical lack of development in Calabria) The port of Gioia Tauro port without a hinterland.

- a port without background -

" The term" inland ports without "attributed to Gioia Tauro refers not only to the location in a depressed area , but it is understood in the sense cultural tradition as the absence of maritime and port . "( Maria Giuseppina Lucia - University of Genoa )
In our schools lack specific courses Marine engineering and maritime economy, responsible for training professionals and technicians.

- a port as a development hub -

Gioia Tauro, in fact, a port designed by the central government in supporting role in economically marginalized areas , in order to achieve useful results in the logic of economic and social development of a "development pole".
- The settlement has no effect -

But the secondary effects option policy should be lower than expected long. At first, the port has been assigned tasks of industrialization, ie the port of supply Fifth iron centers planned in the spaces adjacent port. But the vicissitudes of the international law and basic industry of the EU, leads to reflection on the strategies of economic policy, planning an "energy center" that was to complement the port facilities for unloading of raw materials and production facilities of thermoelectric power . Again \u0026lt;\u0026lt; the crisis and the subsequent fluctuations oil market and the resultant diversification of energy balance the industrialized world, take over the negative connotations of a program directed mainly to pay for urgent and immediate issues in the traditional optical extraordinary intervention policies, inadequate to begin now territorial development processes .> ;> ( Muscarà and Pedrini, 1978 ).

The surgery was real, ie an investment of capital and not a fictitious and idle legislation the forecast, as it could be the establishment of parks, intermediate administrative bodies, metropolitan areas: all devices that produce additional public expenditure without return of finance or the creation of income, often invented in the absence of concrete encodings, mutilated by real forecasts of growth and development and entrusted the fate of a lonely fate and improvised planners, free a sufficient culture of engineering design and economic experience necessary.
This is even more evident when considering the next stage which gave the Calabrian port of call business functions, commensurate with the reference of an application supra. For some years the port facilities, completed in the meantime, worked to an extent, therefore, absolutely too small respect to their potential, with the inevitable degradation and economic and social costs easily imaginable.
At the turn of the nineties of the twentieth, a private company, the Contship Italy, Gioia Tauro has reserved a particular attention drawn to the very favorable geographical position. The latter constitutes a situation of gravity of the Calabrian port that corresponds to a need of the currently predominant business strategies oriented to the organization of a logistics system that combines the provision of services to ship the goods in a small number ports, which are called to play a role strategies within an active network worldwide, and is regulated by a centralized management across the whole range of activities transport terms.
As from 1993, under a "Memorandum of Understanding" signed by Contship Italy and the central government, the port of Gioia Tauro is located inside an organization's global-scale grid . The establishment of a transshipment terminal, designed for the majority (280 billion) with private capital, and to a smaller government with funds (132 billion) to companies in the South and with the funds allocated by the European Union for employment development in depressed areas, it returns the image of a business that evolves into a logic of separation from the regional context.
In this regard it is interesting to document the transfer of control of the Mediterranean Terminal all'Eurogate Center in Rotterdam through the fusion process has absorbed the European Container Terminal (ECT) in Hamburg owned by el'Eurokai Contship Italy, significantly strengthening the presence of Gioia Tauro in the international arena (MCT, sa).

- a drawing from -

From a careful consideration of the implications of regional development within the port, it is clear that the Calabrian port draws a situation characterized by strong lines of programming from the top, tend to be indifferent to reality local, and thus invariably inadequate to ensure the removal of the marginality of the region compared to the guidelines of economic development.
authoritative studies engaged in research in this area have already shown and discussed how the presence of the port have not been matched by very significant changes, referring only the most remarkable developments in the creation of jobs. The employment problem has been extensively evaluated in all its implications and not only extended the work of the MTC, but also the whole complex chain of port services. Hence the need to identify two major categories of port services, one formed by the activities directly related to the transhipment real, and the second from other areas but only to the goods and services to the ship. The variety of the contents of the latter type includes the presence of different subjects, from both the private sector entrepreneurship (shipping agents, repair of containers) is that of public administration (customs, harbor master).

- A real investment -

And, therefore, a real investment is not worth to increase employment and entrepreneurship, so as to give a fillip to the development of the area .. The ruling class of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Plain of Gioia Tauro, and also the provinces closer, rejected the culture of spatial planning, in the name a wave of European liberalism Thatcher, attracted by the new direction of economic policy, often based on inconclusive creativity, sterile compared to the real problems of the South, has taken a bet, even for nostalgic reminiscences veterofasciste on redundant projects the image of titration, but devoid of content and substance.

- hopes of Municipalities of -
our area PIP

Oppido Mamertina, like many other towns in the hinterland, he believed an imminent epic development and has created the tool you need to become urban area industrialized production and attraction of new economy . Area PIP was literally abandoned not because of the darkening prospects of local policies (the area may also be temporarily adapted to the performance of activities dopolavoristiche, for settlement of trade fairs and other things, furnishing the extent possible and keeping it clean and available) as the inaction of Public Programming regional and provincial levels who have lost, if ever, have found the thread of our history.

The objective of the policy, if additional action is lacking, can not be only to administrative, governmental services of the Institute, but, at least in our view, that should be to pave the and also opportunities for full employment and the positive development of social and cultural conditions of society.
Federalism expand the duties of the municipalities, because they weigh a considerable responsibility additional policy, which will range up to get programming obligations of territorial development as part of national economic policies and European ( but we'll talk about this with another proposal for discussion.)

; ; - The regional agreement -

the growing workforce is directly related to the favorable rules made in the context of a "Pact of Area" that the program should be a crucial intermediate innovative body to govern the metropolitan area (with prior provisional delimitation between the towns of Bagnara and Melito Porto Salvo ) designed for this, for the plain Conference of Municipalities (To be created on a continual basis) for the Ionian area mayors the Committee already in place, aimed at guiding the regulation of the labor market in a more real needs of the area and businesses.

- Almost a cathedral in the desert -

Looking closely to the expectations created by the metaphor of the transformation of yet cathedral in the desert in the most important port in the Mediterranean for container traffic, are not achieved appreciable results. (MG Lucia )
In a nutshell, companies perceive the potential that follows in terms of logistics from the use of the port of Gioia Tauro. But only a few believe they can change the routing of the goods. The port of Gioia Tauro is for the time being only a tool local territorial development potential is capable of initiating impulses throughout the economic territory of the south.
Municipalities have a key role, which is not resolved in the management of everyday life, but it should be manifest in all its driving force in guiding our company to emerge from an isolation of costumes, very affected by illegal powers, in the silence of citizens and resigned in ataraxia of a strong state with the weak.
Antonio Frisina

Monday, September 21, 2009

Brown Rice And Flatulence

The recent tragic news of the violent deaths occurred in the Plain of Gioia Tauro and the territory of our own town, we invite some reflection on the causes, in general, violence itself.

The recourse to arms to settle conflicts and impose supremacy is not only a common practice in certain parts of our society, but also and above all, worldwide, in relations between states and within many States in the struggles for the conquest of political power. Not to mention, then, of the many military occupations performed in the course of history, by force of arms.

The violent suppression of human life appears to remain a preferred practice in many parts of the world for the solution of problems of living together, to defend the territory, the economic exploitation of natural resources.

The very fact that there is a continuous production of armaments in the world, for amounts of expense that they are just creepy, it means that the use of arms and violence, whatever the end proclaimed, never ceases to affect our planet.

the powerful who, in the course of human history, have resorted to arms, not even count.
Their example, in many cases, is a sort of "incitement" to violence and incitement that is systematically collected from the bands less civilized and cultured society.

The fact, then, that many politicians and local public officials take advantage of their positions to enrich themselves illegally, wading in troubled waters in the face of honest people, can only encourage further crime and facilitate the spread of immorality and violent methods. Why

shocked, then, that someone took up a shotgun to kill one's enemy?

There is a great need for culture and dialogue among men.

Pino Frisina

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oboe, Fobo, Ofob, Cofo, Ocof, ?

Stay in Afghanistan or not? Why

The tragedy that has consumed a few days ago in Afghanistan against the Italian military contingent and he did have several dead and wounded there requires a calm reflection on the advisability of keeping our children, left for a peacekeeping mission within a theater of actual "war", which is now emerging for several months.

My idea about it, is that the weapons should be replaced politics and diplomacy and that we must make every effort in this direction. Our task must be to "export democracy", as claimed by proponents of military intervention in various parts of the world: it is necessary to export anything, and frankly, I think at this moment is 'Italy to need more democracy.

invite our readers to speak on the subject and to participate in the survey published next.

Pino Frisina

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Greyhound Martingale Collars Ontario

Berlusconi remains so popular?

E ' remarkable that the current Prime Minister, Hon Silvio Berlusconi, still retains, according to the latest polls available, quite popular among Italian citizens. That were almost forgive the "mischief" and "wrongdoing" that is charged with increasing insistence by many Italian and foreign journalists.
We think it useful to open a debate within the blog, on the specific topic, listening to the voice of our readers, so as to deepen the subject and clarify the ideas in this regard. We invite all
, therefore, to intervene and answer the question: "Why Berlusconi is so popular, in spite of everything?"

See the recent survey Republic

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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MANIFESTO rainbow. Even the lawyer. Rugolo has answered our questions. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION

Dear Joseph, Thank you for your consideration that lends to our area and why (I will not touch the sensibilities of anyone, if I might see one of the supporters of the Hospital) by a significant contribution to keep alive the topic. while in Rome The Government is examining the lines of the Plan, presented by Region, which determine the fate of our hospital. Just yesterday, together with the lawyer. Hector Joseph Frisina, on the occasion of a meeting with the Hon. The Fassino, held in Reggio Calabria, we have further had the opportunity to hear authoritative views on the health of Calabria, getting tips, which will certainly follow. nostrro commitment will keep you all informed.

Dear Toto,
as agreed, I am sending you attached the text of the posters tonight.
As I anticipated, I wanted to entrust this work to my (and
Rainbow that met on Thursday evening) point of view.
I am convinced that my administrative work has contributed to
prevent the complete closure of the hospital and just as sincerely,
think again with patience and determination, you can make
steps to retrieve other and most important functions in the same,
especially those related to emergencies, which are perhaps the most real
and immediate needs of the domestic territory and that, however, represent
the instrument through which you can provide a bit 'of serenity
people in this area by choice or necessity has decided to live.
I hope I have been exhaustive, however, will be needed some
integration does not have to ask.
You are, of course, permitted to extrapolate the responses of the poster and
this short communication.
Joseph Rugolo


as is now known to all, the Regional Council, with Del. No. 548/2009 approved the project called "The Case of Health - A meta-model for the redevelopment of the regional hospital network," presented by the Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Joseph Graziano, whereby Oppido Hospital should become a "House of Health "and simultaneously perform functions of rehabilitation and long-term care hospital with 62 beds .
Guidelines of the Ministry of Health - and the regional project makes its own - provide that the House of Health is a multipurpose facility functional and capable of delivering the material together primary care and ensure continuity of care and prevention activities within the areas of the elementary district, corresponding to a catchment area of \u200b\u200b5,000 to 10,000 persons, 7 days 7 to 24 hours (page 2 of the project) and provides, in summary, the following:

 Health Services (SSA): Point of Rescue Mobile - 118; Prime Cure Clinic Emergency and Small, Doctor 24 h; Clinic of General Practitioners and Paediatricians, Specialist Clinic, Pick and Place Donations; Minilaboratorio Clinical Chemistry, Diagnostic Radiology Instrumental - Ultrasound - Mammography - Doppler - ECG - Stress Test - Holter heart / blood pressure - Information technology for telemedicine and tele - MRI and CT scans through mobile units.

 Social and Health Services (SSS): Family Counseling, Outpatient, locker room and gym for rehabilitation diurnal Mental Health Service, SERT, integrated home care.
 Activities and Social Services (SAS).

The Rainbow Movement, on the new role that the Regional Council has awarded the Hospital of Oppido feels the need to express their point of view:

 It is encouraging that the structure maintains oppidese hospital functions, increase with the number of beds, because with it the closure of the Hospital has been averted and this data can be shared for a relaunch of its contribution to subsequent increase in hospital services, which should be directed to patients in acute general medical and surgical emergencies and to ensure an appropriate and functional point of rescue;

 You positive that with the House of Health outpatient services will be strengthened and increased;

 resale to the merits of the previous municipal administration if there is merit, this first result, because it is the result of a long process of mediation but also of fierce battles fought in all institutions responsible (Region , ASP Conference of Mayors);

 does not share the triumphant tones with which the municipal administration in office has welcomed the news, and because the political party has always contested the validity of such a project (just remember their electoral meetings).

CONSIDERS ANY  ENOUGH of the type and quantity of services provided to meet the needs of an area pre-assembled and fitted very inconvenient in terms of road;

 believes that a the proposal made by the Mayor and Rugolo ASP region after it agrees with all the political and social forces and that Rainbow has identified in its electoral program Administrative and this proposal provides for the allocation of a point in Oppido Early Intervention - a medical ward with 80 beds (acute care - hospital prolonged and rehabilitation) - Emergency Surgery with a 8 beds (CH and Day Surgery) over diagnostic services and outpatients.

RAINBOW, HOWEVER, WILL CONTINUE HIS BATTLE CIVIL HOPES that the City Administration office, now that summer vacations are over, finally taking up the baton and fighting in the appropriate fora in order to accommodate the proposed strengthening hospital and, if possible, obtain more ... That is all he has promised during the election campaign.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Vba Cheats For Pokemon Ruby

do not know exactly why that led to his friend Antonio Frisina delete their posts and other assistance required by him or he can be ascribed. We invite the public to clarify the reasons for its actions so as to reassure the readers of the blog.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Best Sub Amp Combo Loudest 2009

We talk about the fate of our hospital, of course female

It is said that women often give evidence in the lives of women of substance and not Oppido we lack that capacity.
Just remember that the protests in the past we have seen the main character is against the feared cancellation of the hospital is moving against the diocese.
We did not get great results, but we made our voices heard.
Certainly past experience leads us today to act with prudence, but not to ignore the fate of the now almost ex the hospital, which for years has been the pride of our town and many other neighboring countries for the high professionalism of its operators.
From what I have read all blogs oppidesi, I understand that a lot hangs on his resignation deletion and possibly converting it into long-term care and rehabilitation with an adjacent house where we will receive the health care doctor, and I wonder if the conversion to we have to tolerate the gradual break-up ", the slow agony of the hospital, perhaps organized on purpose to avoid" inappropriate "and embarrassing popular protests.
If hospitals were to offer good health care close to nothing quaestio, tacerei to avoid being falsely accused of that pride which use "those" that could not do, might be involved but not involved, should protect the interests of citizens, but not protect them.
And so I ask you:
Until completion of the Plain Hospital (5.10 ...), who should resolve creande hospitals along with other health problems Calabrian Calabrian giving back to us the dignity of citizens of Series A, which will be our fate if we will it hurt?
Well I have experienced that if the illness takes me 20 hours from 8 am I go with the PPI Oppido where to find qualified personnel magrado me that his "ship" at another hospital if there is any need for further diagnostic or lend me the first care and I send back home, inviting me to pay the ticket about 25 E (because we pay the non-service!).
If the attending physician deems it necessary trasfermi elsewhere because I'm really bad could begin a long journey during which he invites me, in his heart, to recommend my soul to God is the assumption that some hospital near me is exposed assuming that I should leave my region to be treated in nearby Sicily and Basilicata.
If I happen during daylight hours, then it is good that I now recommend my soul to God - it is useless to go to the hospital in Oppido since the day it just keeps the name can not receive pay or even if you are dying-I get in the car and the streets
we pray to God or the Madonna to arrive on time or Joy or Polistena where I hope to do expectations hours before being rescued by doctors that I heard "curse" for the third world conditions in which, against their will, forced to work.
So, sorry for the sarcasm wanted, what we can now actually do?
We expect that with the benefit of a hospital service is not yet abolished it runs smoothly 24 hours 24 providing the services we as taxpayers pay for all the other Italians?
Can we afford to ask the institutions to convey our needs and to require the operation of services until they are deleted?
Each proposal will be published. Carmela