Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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LEGALITY 'AND DEVELOPMENT - The Port of Gioia Tauro is a potential engine of progress - E' need a project of liberation from all the gangs.

Oppido Mamertina is part of a large geographic area with significant development potential, but with serious delays that have created spaces for social deviance and organized crime.

- Mafias block the growth processes -

The port of Gioia Tauro, the most major centers in Europe, was, and could still be a great hope.
The Port was created to serve an area of \u200b\u200bthe South and to reduce the infrastructure gap, because of the Regions of South sottosvillo Get to the end of politics inspired programming as an appendix to a season of rebuilding the country and large and direct presence in the economy. Does not pass, however, along with Porto, the recovery plan industrial Plains and inland, complementary and indispensable to give a complete answer, the rational and practical application of capital that is not backward agricultural economy and assisted had been able to generate and accumulate for the purpose of investment: in Calabria " agrarian bourgeoisie" has kept our campaigns in the discount, wasting the wealth created by labor and diverting the savings to the north of the country (also open up this chapter of the responsibility for the historical lack of development in Calabria) The port of Gioia Tauro port without a hinterland.

- a port without background -

" The term" inland ports without "attributed to Gioia Tauro refers not only to the location in a depressed area , but it is understood in the sense cultural tradition as the absence of maritime and port . "( Maria Giuseppina Lucia - University of Genoa )
In our schools lack specific courses Marine engineering and maritime economy, responsible for training professionals and technicians.

- a port as a development hub -

Gioia Tauro, in fact, a port designed by the central government in supporting role in economically marginalized areas , in order to achieve useful results in the logic of economic and social development of a "development pole".
- The settlement has no effect -

But the secondary effects option policy should be lower than expected long. At first, the port has been assigned tasks of industrialization, ie the port of supply Fifth iron centers planned in the spaces adjacent port. But the vicissitudes of the international law and basic industry of the EU, leads to reflection on the strategies of economic policy, planning an "energy center" that was to complement the port facilities for unloading of raw materials and production facilities of thermoelectric power . Again \u0026lt;\u0026lt; the crisis and the subsequent fluctuations oil market and the resultant diversification of energy balance the industrialized world, take over the negative connotations of a program directed mainly to pay for urgent and immediate issues in the traditional optical extraordinary intervention policies, inadequate to begin now territorial development processes .> ;> ( Muscarà and Pedrini, 1978 ).

The surgery was real, ie an investment of capital and not a fictitious and idle legislation the forecast, as it could be the establishment of parks, intermediate administrative bodies, metropolitan areas: all devices that produce additional public expenditure without return of finance or the creation of income, often invented in the absence of concrete encodings, mutilated by real forecasts of growth and development and entrusted the fate of a lonely fate and improvised planners, free a sufficient culture of engineering design and economic experience necessary.
This is even more evident when considering the next stage which gave the Calabrian port of call business functions, commensurate with the reference of an application supra. For some years the port facilities, completed in the meantime, worked to an extent, therefore, absolutely too small respect to their potential, with the inevitable degradation and economic and social costs easily imaginable.
At the turn of the nineties of the twentieth, a private company, the Contship Italy, Gioia Tauro has reserved a particular attention drawn to the very favorable geographical position. The latter constitutes a situation of gravity of the Calabrian port that corresponds to a need of the currently predominant business strategies oriented to the organization of a logistics system that combines the provision of services to ship the goods in a small number ports, which are called to play a role strategies within an active network worldwide, and is regulated by a centralized management across the whole range of activities transport terms.
As from 1993, under a "Memorandum of Understanding" signed by Contship Italy and the central government, the port of Gioia Tauro is located inside an organization's global-scale grid . The establishment of a transshipment terminal, designed for the majority (280 billion) with private capital, and to a smaller government with funds (132 billion) to companies in the South and with the funds allocated by the European Union for employment development in depressed areas, it returns the image of a business that evolves into a logic of separation from the regional context.
In this regard it is interesting to document the transfer of control of the Mediterranean Terminal all'Eurogate Center in Rotterdam through the fusion process has absorbed the European Container Terminal (ECT) in Hamburg owned by el'Eurokai Contship Italy, significantly strengthening the presence of Gioia Tauro in the international arena (MCT, sa).

- a drawing from -

From a careful consideration of the implications of regional development within the port, it is clear that the Calabrian port draws a situation characterized by strong lines of programming from the top, tend to be indifferent to reality local, and thus invariably inadequate to ensure the removal of the marginality of the region compared to the guidelines of economic development.
authoritative studies engaged in research in this area have already shown and discussed how the presence of the port have not been matched by very significant changes, referring only the most remarkable developments in the creation of jobs. The employment problem has been extensively evaluated in all its implications and not only extended the work of the MTC, but also the whole complex chain of port services. Hence the need to identify two major categories of port services, one formed by the activities directly related to the transhipment real, and the second from other areas but only to the goods and services to the ship. The variety of the contents of the latter type includes the presence of different subjects, from both the private sector entrepreneurship (shipping agents, repair of containers) is that of public administration (customs, harbor master).

- A real investment -

And, therefore, a real investment is not worth to increase employment and entrepreneurship, so as to give a fillip to the development of the area .. The ruling class of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Plain of Gioia Tauro, and also the provinces closer, rejected the culture of spatial planning, in the name a wave of European liberalism Thatcher, attracted by the new direction of economic policy, often based on inconclusive creativity, sterile compared to the real problems of the South, has taken a bet, even for nostalgic reminiscences veterofasciste on redundant projects the image of titration, but devoid of content and substance.

- hopes of Municipalities of -
our area PIP

Oppido Mamertina, like many other towns in the hinterland, he believed an imminent epic development and has created the tool you need to become urban area industrialized production and attraction of new economy . Area PIP was literally abandoned not because of the darkening prospects of local policies (the area may also be temporarily adapted to the performance of activities dopolavoristiche, for settlement of trade fairs and other things, furnishing the extent possible and keeping it clean and available) as the inaction of Public Programming regional and provincial levels who have lost, if ever, have found the thread of our history.

The objective of the policy, if additional action is lacking, can not be only to administrative, governmental services of the Institute, but, at least in our view, that should be to pave the and also opportunities for full employment and the positive development of social and cultural conditions of society.
Federalism expand the duties of the municipalities, because they weigh a considerable responsibility additional policy, which will range up to get programming obligations of territorial development as part of national economic policies and European ( but we'll talk about this with another proposal for discussion.)

; ; - The regional agreement -

the growing workforce is directly related to the favorable rules made in the context of a "Pact of Area" that the program should be a crucial intermediate innovative body to govern the metropolitan area (with prior provisional delimitation between the towns of Bagnara and Melito Porto Salvo ) designed for this, for the plain Conference of Municipalities (To be created on a continual basis) for the Ionian area mayors the Committee already in place, aimed at guiding the regulation of the labor market in a more real needs of the area and businesses.

- Almost a cathedral in the desert -

Looking closely to the expectations created by the metaphor of the transformation of yet cathedral in the desert in the most important port in the Mediterranean for container traffic, are not achieved appreciable results. (MG Lucia )
In a nutshell, companies perceive the potential that follows in terms of logistics from the use of the port of Gioia Tauro. But only a few believe they can change the routing of the goods. The port of Gioia Tauro is for the time being only a tool local territorial development potential is capable of initiating impulses throughout the economic territory of the south.
Municipalities have a key role, which is not resolved in the management of everyday life, but it should be manifest in all its driving force in guiding our company to emerge from an isolation of costumes, very affected by illegal powers, in the silence of citizens and resigned in ataraxia of a strong state with the weak.
Antonio Frisina


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