Cav. Berlusconi did not waste the chance to rail against the magistrates "communists" in Milan, accusing them of not being about their business and sovereign people to want to change, subverting the electoral verdict that brought him to lead the Italian government.
The utterances of the Knight of arrogance and severity, in our view, extreme, so much so that the representative body of the Italian magisdtrati, The National Association of Magistrates, intended to protest energetically, announcing the public demonstrations in defense of the judiciary in Milan whose only crime is to have expertise in an area in which they consumed a variety of offenses which took part in the current Prime Minister.
In our legal system, as in most jurisdictions of the civilized world, the prosecution is required, so that a judge who receives a notice of the offense, can not remain indifferent to the law's
requires action and he has a duty to act, under penalty of sanctions, including criminal, against him. These things
Cav. Berlusconi should know them well, though he pretends to nothing, and men's richest and most powerful 's Italy, you can so brazenly attacking the judiciary, even takes into consideration above the law, invested with absolute power that follows the investiture of the people.
Forget also, the Hon. The Berlusconi that the executive, whom he represents as the head of government, is just one of the powers of the state of law and that there are other autonomous powers, Power Legislative and Judicial Power, which also embody the popular will.
Justice, in Italy, is exercised "in the name of the Italian people", while the law is equal for everyone, "
so that all citizens are" equal before the law, "including the Cav. Berlusconi, But, obviously, does not recognize these principles and puts it under his feet the same Italian Constitution.
What worries in this general confusion, is that President Napolitano, maximum Guarantor of the Constitution, do not quite feel his authoritative voice.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Usb Wifi Wont Connect
Pier Luigi Bersani was democratically elected secretary of the Democratic Party.
From the new leader of the PD is expected to:
1) Close contact with the base, through a deep embedding of the Party in the territory.
2) A rigorous selection of executives and candidates in electoral competition, to be made with the adoption of specific criteria that take account of morality and criminal background of candidates for internal positions or public office.
3) A more vigorous action against the current government, through clear and concrete proposals that go in the direction of the weakest sectors of the population.
4) Particular attention to the fact southern
5) The construction of a network of political alliances at various levels on the basis of a common share and sufficiently detailed so as to prevent misunderstandings and ambiguities.
We believe that Pier Luigi Bersani, without detracting from the other two candidates the primaries, has the credentials to take the lead of a great Democrat and Reform Party, on which we place great hopes
of profound renewal of Italian society and, in particular, to the south.
Pino Frisina
Pier Luigi Bersani was democratically elected secretary of the Democratic Party.
From the new leader of the PD is expected to:
1) Close contact with the base, through a deep embedding of the Party in the territory.
2) A rigorous selection of executives and candidates in electoral competition, to be made with the adoption of specific criteria that take account of morality and criminal background of candidates for internal positions or public office.
3) A more vigorous action against the current government, through clear and concrete proposals that go in the direction of the weakest sectors of the population.
4) Particular attention to the fact southern
5) The construction of a network of political alliances at various levels on the basis of a common share and sufficiently detailed so as to prevent misunderstandings and ambiguities.
We believe that Pier Luigi Bersani, without detracting from the other two candidates the primaries, has the credentials to take the lead of a great Democrat and Reform Party, on which we place great hopes
of profound renewal of Italian society and, in particular, to the south.
Pino Frisina
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Maxine Computer Cartoons
Piero Marrazzo, RESIGN!
learn, with regret, the news that the President of Regione Lazio, Piero Marrazzo, would be involved in a round of transsexual prostitutes. Pending
made to ascertain the events reported in the press, which seem also supported, at least in part, from statements made by the President to the judiciary, we believe it is more appropriate and desirable that a step backwards by Piero Marrazzo, which should, therefore, resign as soon as possible.
A politician who, because of his private behavior, is in a position of blackmail, or at least see compromised his public image, can not remain in place any longer.
probably will not be the same on the idea. Berlusconi, who, presumably, in the coming hours will
hearing of the victim, despite the opposite political affiliation.
On the other hand, being "in the same boat" can not proclaim that, once again, a clear separation between private and public life, as if in private they can consume any "crap" without that it interferes with the public office held.
The moralization of public life also passes through exemplary gestures and that is why we insist:
Piero Marrazzo, resign!
Pino Frisina
learn, with regret, the news that the President of Regione Lazio, Piero Marrazzo, would be involved in a round of transsexual prostitutes. Pending
made to ascertain the events reported in the press, which seem also supported, at least in part, from statements made by the President to the judiciary, we believe it is more appropriate and desirable that a step backwards by Piero Marrazzo, which should, therefore, resign as soon as possible.
A politician who, because of his private behavior, is in a position of blackmail, or at least see compromised his public image, can not remain in place any longer.
probably will not be the same on the idea. Berlusconi, who, presumably, in the coming hours will
hearing of the victim, despite the opposite political affiliation.
On the other hand, being "in the same boat" can not proclaim that, once again, a clear separation between private and public life, as if in private they can consume any "crap" without that it interferes with the public office held.
The moralization of public life also passes through exemplary gestures and that is why we insist:
Piero Marrazzo, resign!
Pino Frisina
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Most Expensive Scooter Metal Core Wheel
The Minister of Justice is the only specific mention in the Constitution (art. 107 and art. 110) and its constitutional functions and importance of substantive is also called the Minister of Justice; symbolically guards the laws and is the guarantor of their integrity; countersignature the same before publication, to disclose his knowledge of their effect, and, in the same time, genuine respect for the conclusion and approval procedures
The statements made in newspapers and television programs from the current holder of the Ministry of Justice I have left stunned Italian citizens, but literally impressed the intellectuals of the law, that the professors, but have recovered a prudent silence before so confusing statements, which presage even more difficult times, as well as in justice, in the school. So fear is another important justification, when you look a bit 'more closely, the darting Minister Brunetta, a former Socialist Craxi, who, convinced of being still, he made an observation of Professor Ichino, detailed in his book "The -nothing, "which meant something quite different, a battle of his ass, and the same Brunetta, a teacher of economics of Berlusconi, who, a few years ago, said with an air of professorial out of the crisis, ignoring, as older scholars titled of economic matters are not, to evaluate the stomach popular and not that of caste and, if anything, the acute phase had passed the required therapies difficult convalescence and recovery, these perhaps the most difficult stages of the crisis.
But back to the Keeper. Angelino Alfano, a young department, but also of malice, went in a completely different style statements by Minister of Justice. Confirmed, without distinction, the verbal processing of the President with whom Pygmalion, the latter condemned the Constitutional Court and said the President of the Republic an absurd so solemn as to seem to reason (as they appear big lies told by those who have great talents of actor). The Constitutional Court rejected the guarantees for the highest offices of State not a perfect interpretation of the Constitution, but to damage the prime minister, the head of state could and should intervene to guide the Court in favor of the Ruling and instead, not speaking, he pointed in the opposite direction, the eleven judges who voted against were red and are dealt-Soviet.
When someone talk of subversion does not say something different from what is now visible to everyone. But what tentatively is suffused by many, without going to specify the types of sources, there are thoughts that we do not seem right to escape the deepening which will be needed when, finally, the government team, throwing the final form, will lavish him to amend the Constitution insofar as it summarizes the guarantees of the parliament.
The constitutional amendments have to follow the mandate of Article 138 of the Constitution:
Article 138
Laws amending the Constitution and other constitutional laws are adopted by each House after two successive debates at intervals of not less than three months, and shall be approved by an absolute majority of the members of each house in the second vote. The laws are submitted to popular referendum when, within three months of their publication, such request is one-fifth of the members of a House or five hundred thousand voters or five regional councils. The law submitted to referendum is not promulgated if it is not approved by a majority of valid votes. shall not be held to a referendum if the law was passed in the second voting by each of the Houses by a majority of two thirds of its members.
That is to say, meanwhile, that the legislative process followed the law like ordinary Alfano, has dramatically materialized a constitutional vulnus because, in part joke, part three required the rewriting of the Constitution itself, in which estimates of neutralization of the whole people to whom the novel, not exclude the high offices of State and that any modification, where with this Parliament was made legitimately, would certainly have met with the referendum.
If this is irrefutable, the sovereignty of the people, the majority relied upon by the Government, and was duped by the surrogate hired sondage. I want to mention, he considers it appropriate, my work published in 1992, where, indeed, it seemed natural to evoke a form of direct democracy in the light of available technologies that could make it more participatory the people, just like in the ancient Greek polis But always within a framework of rigid rules and strict, to avoid the scams and the "distortions"
If this is irrefutable, the sovereignty of the people, the majority relied upon by the Government, and was duped by the surrogate hired sondage. I want to mention, he considers it appropriate, my work published in 1992, where, indeed, it seemed natural to evoke a form of direct democracy in the light of available technologies that could make it more participatory the people, just like in the ancient Greek polis But always within a framework of rigid rules and strict, to avoid the scams and the "distortions"
But be added, as mentioned before, two things: our Bill Constitution is rigid, so much so that its change is long and complex, because it is a pact between different political parties representing all orientations, but especially those of minority which complete the framework of sovereignty and make it fulfilled the merits of the social pluralism, and its approval was the result of a Constituent Assembly elected by a proportional system, for ensure the broadest participation politica.Una change during the entire duration of a majoritarian electoral law type, does not satisfy the foundational principle of the Republic and, therefore, even if unwritten, rule of proportion should be respected in order to legitimize a parliament costituente.Tra lines of distinguished scholars, see Martinez, Barbera, Rescigno, Della Cananea etc ...., even if you do not see those comments, it appears that the principles of prudence, which attract an ultra scripta respect of our memorandum and a deeper research in philosophy inspired by the founding fathers to Saragat Nenni, from Togliatti, De Gasperi, a Scalfaro From Pertini, Da Andreotti Jotti, by Benedetto Croce in Einaudi Ignazio Silone.
The Democratic Party must make the guarantor of the pact, even if they have to do the last act of his flag. Only then can invoke the legacy of this great democracy founded on the values \u200b\u200bof democratic socialism and liberal Catholicism that our people are deeply attached.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Daughter Refuses To Wear A Bra
Article 3 Constitution
All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law without distinction of sex. of race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
E 'task to remove the republic's economic and social barriers, which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers to' economic and social policy organization in the country.
Reform Alfano (forecast Lodo declared unconstitutional )
The end of Article 3
All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, only Berlusconi is above the law itself, together with the head of state and presidents of the two rooms only for a level playing field, regardless of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, distinguishing, in substance, only the personal circumstances of Mr Berlusconi.
E 'task of the Republic to remove those obstacles of an economic and social nature which constrain the liberty and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the economic and social policy of the country.
reformed This article does not need to be approved by the procedure laid down in Article 138 of aggravated this Constitution.
The powers of Parliament, summed up the extra law for national emergency, are absorbing the Constitution and all principles of democracy and called it legal, in fact, suspend, for the ongoing approval, the Forecast art. 138.
I believe that before long, even the most fanatic Berlusconi is lacking the necessary caution, to avoid to venture, with the exception of Emilio Fede, a plausible justification;
even to the earthquake victims of the Eagle, refrigerators full of famous recipients of the subsidy Former ECA forge new technology.
Oppido Our
Monday, October 12, 2009
Invocation Prayer Sample
At 21 hours, as per government rules, the vote was closed.
With 15 votes against, three in favor and 1 abstention, the Council hosted by the People Our Oppido rejected the item on the agenda, appointing a legal advisor to the Mayor.
The number of votes against leaves no room for doubt on the absolute prevalence of the argument would be inappropriate to follow By by 'Municipal Administration in office, the recent resolution of the City Council.
We invite all those present at the People's Council and also those who have opted not to intervene, suggesting the topics to be covered in upcoming sessions.
thank all those who participated in the open debate in the hope that the same has been of some use to each of us
At 21 hours, as per government rules, the vote was closed.
With 15 votes against, three in favor and 1 abstention, the Council hosted by the People Our Oppido rejected the item on the agenda, appointing a legal advisor to the Mayor.
The number of votes against leaves no room for doubt on the absolute prevalence of the argument would be inappropriate to follow By by 'Municipal Administration in office, the recent resolution of the City Council.
We invite all those present at the People's Council and also those who have opted not to intervene, suggesting the topics to be covered in upcoming sessions.
thank all those who participated in the open debate in the hope that the same has been of some use to each of us
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Is Metathione Effective?
COUNCIL OF THE PEOPLE'S MAYOR October 10, 2009 - 19.00
are open to the work of the People's Council, to discuss the following agenda:
Popular approval of the Council Regulation
consideration of the resolution establishing a consultant to the City Council of Oppido Mamertina
The People's Council, proposed by us, if you meet with the citizen, will be a body of collective orientation, useful for the exercise of a form of direct democracy.
The Rules (subject to adjustments and additions ) Consists of the following six items:
1) all citizens can participate, even anonymously, if they choose a pseudonym to attend and vote;
2) may be advanced proposals question to be addressed at the next sitting.
3) The Council will be introduced by the editorial staff comments and will last until the second day following the date of opening of the work. The work will close with the votes of the participants.
4) The Council may be required on other blogs that seek to hire initiative freely.
5) Comments that contain personal remarks or innuendo, not political, clearly related to identifiable individuals, have to be signed, under penalty of censure.
6) The vote can be expressed, if it is not possible with the tool provided by the Blog, a declaration signed and telephone number.
The debate is free and does not follow the program order of discussion.
Up to 20.00 you can make proposals for the amendment of the regulation. Voting for the settlement will close at 21.00. The changes will apply as from the next Council meeting. It 's always possible to send proposals to amend the regulation to be brought for consideration in subsequent sessions.
The vote with the instrument available to the drafting will start Sunday at 14.00 and will be closed Monday, 12/10/2009, at 21.00. The vote is exercisable by declaration signed since the opening of the session and will be published at the close of consultation.
For today's session apply the above rules, although not yet approved.
On the 18th of September 2009, met the City Council Oppido Mamertina at 10 am, first convened in special session, agenda:
Changes to the budget years 2009 years 2009-2011, and withdrawal from the reserve fund. Proposal to the Council for the group Comunale.Presenti Majority No 11 Councillors, for the minority No 3 Councillors. Absent one of three directors of the majority.
The argument introduces the Mayor with the help of the municipal accountant, showing the line of the budget changes, including the forecast of expenditure for the new advice that I'll be entrusted to professionals from outside:
Current year € 7,500.00
Year 2010 € 17,512.00
Year 2011 € 17,512.00
Total in three € 42,524.00. The funds required to cover were found in budget savings, downgrading certain professional functions and freeing other resources.
Following the submission of the proposal is open to debate, giving for as we were able to retrieve the documents.
Councillor Rugolo:
The Board is now to approve the establishment of a budget chapter for advice. Today we know nothing, but it would be important to have maximum details, to approve the change in the budget. This proposed resolution is not only technical but also political, therefore, must be adequately motivated to understand what it is.
Mayor :
probably it will be a counselor who still must decide whether to include in the Office of the Staff 'or as outside assignments.
Councillor. Rugolo :
On behalf of the Rainbow declare the vote against the proposal because I do not see the need to restore the allowances arnministratori for Municipal, especially being close to each financial year, for what it concerns the establishment of the first chapter for advice I'incompletezza perceive, because the proposal does not specify what the professionals Arnminìstrazione deems necessary or type , but notes the statement by the Mayor that this is legal advice. Reminds the Council that the municipality has a legal department and an outside professional, identified with a race that has to deal with tutlo litigation, see an overriding duplication of expenditure and as a result of loss of revenue as well as the country's image because I ' legal custody to another, despite the presence of another professional bound by legal contracts, Ia shows no confidence in it, and if so is the Anrministrazione would target's responsibility and failure of business, or at least ask the same to get by part. . We hope that the Court of Auditors to examine the possible resolution for the appointment of consultants.
which tasks were entrusted to the professional because it seems that only certain procedures were handled in the agreement. Therefore there will be no conflict because the professional iI staff will take care of what is provided in the agreement and what will be in charge of something else and will support the Administration to the extent not provided for in the agreement.
Councillor Rugolo:
I would point out that the figure of the town clerk is called upon to advise the Administration and any other figure is therefore unnecessary.
Councillor Riganò :
my group could not get better on the changes, he abstains from voting. >>
thus concluded the council debate, which has seen strong opposition Att. Rugolo, who has called for a rethinking of the Administration, by requiring the Secretary to send to the Municipal Court of Auditors, the eventual resolution of the commission for external advice, a request that involves the supervision of viability, the Council voted against Att. Rugolo, the decision to approve the Budget Change Including planned expenditures for the next assignment outside.
Our note.
Administration, recently established, could not find a thriving financial situation, given the increasingly difficult conditions in which pay, weapon, all municipalities in the south. The problems of ordinary management are expensive and are not often appropriate responses in the resources available. All this has prompted many municipalities in our province to contain the additional costs, especially those repetitive structures.
Our operating system is well guarded, if not over sized. The organization model consists of the Mayor, the council, called to carry out the task management and the highest political work which includes the steps of the choices, the first processing of business events, promotion of institutional activities. The area policy is followed by the management technique consists of the town clerk, responsible for the bureaucratic machine and senior adviser of the Administration, by a Head area for the techno-urban area, however, with such number of employees, as it was a city of very different size and not ours, by an area manager for social services and general, from one end zone for the business sector and another leader of the municipal guard area. In addition, the brave officers, perhaps without the marshal's staff, but are essential pillars of the municipal work. The City also has served as a Legal agreement
In this powerful machine could not miss anything, even the machine itself should be streamlined, reducing the indispensable the leadership, to recover additional resources of which they felt both the need.
The Administration wants to add more employees, other employees, of course, for good reason: until proven otherwise. And, until proven otherwise, nobody is entitled to think that someone wants to benefit, calling it surreptitiously to work at the Town Hall, performing secretarial duties, when there is already a secretary, because naively omit "the assessment of public tax liability, related the illegality of an appointment that, "having as its object the resolution of issues related activity ordinary institution, should find a solution other than the use of external expertise. In particular, the discussion of current issues, as well as the particulars necessary for the proper conduct of the proceedings, must be considered a matter for the management personnel of the institution, while the need to solve particularly complex issues could be overcome by using the advice given by ' Legal Administration (part of a ruling of the Court of Auditors).
may finally, the provision of consulting assignment, be criticized for its vagueness and generality, in relation to extension of time provided for already, even before they completely define the object, a three-year, considering the fraction of the current year.
As the field offices have devised an estimate of income and expenditure, it would seem that the new work unit to aggregate could play a role as an employee, but a prediction so uncertain, that the offices and services provided for testing purposes would appear, in other places or times, declaring them "legalized" with appropriate advice, the consistency of which would not appear at first to the Court of Auditors, could pay a deferred option new type of legal cooperation.
Even if you choose the way of office, professional private if they do not understand the good fortune, finding the City to have an accountant to manager of that area and, for that last reason has also been acknowledged management profiles; more technical graduates, in addition to the geom. Barillaro of considerable professional value, one of which he is also the head area (currently held in overpass) and then accepted a management role, other employee with managerial functions, social services and general manager of the local commander of a brigade urban , a lawyer for professional legal services agreement, and finally a secretary, I do not know if the Director-General, which would absorb any other key management needs.
Faced with such abundance, unless you need to escape some other profile, one might conclude that a strictly operational to be sufficiently covered all areas.
Which hypotheses put forward, given the lack of justification accompanying the measure to be implemented, but already financed by the change in the budget? I think they remain two:
The first : Call to work commitments / training young professionals with a threefold purpose: to entrust tasks of extraordinary support activities of the various advisors, to support employment, training local cadres to parts of the municipal bureaucracy. Very noble purpose.
Second: Find a picture with professional features such as to support the Mayor, super busy, administration of the two political branches not be delegated.
In both, cases, and here the exception of a measure on a personal basis, should have been presented, together with a proposal for changes in the budget, a very detailed specification, with the object and the professional profiles required to assign functions under. Certainly all the Councillors, the Mayor the Deputy Mayor, Professor Zerbi, have a clear idea, but equally clearly they must have the people who voted and even the most naive supporters of the list together for Oppido.
I think, however, that the Town Hall, to achieve the best results and to practice democracy without a glaring defects of intolerance, in need of additional units of cooperation, and, for these purposes it is possible to lawfully use of two solutions:
- Appointment of ombudsman, long established and ever appointed (paid)
- Appointment of external assessor assigned to the task related to the area of \u200b\u200bPublic Works and that of 'economy, not the subject of delegation of the Mayor, considering all the political commitments of the dr Barillaro.
Near administration there are young professionals, including experience, which may hold the positions proposed above, provided of course available.
Responsibility for this initiative to the People's Council, through the network, it is my personal idea, and I grow a long time, because I think it is a tool for help the institutions to be monitored and guaranteed by the attention of all.
I hope that the debate will be motivated by good intentions and supported by common sense and manners verbosity, to prove to ourselves and to other readers who Oppido Mamertina is a city of ancient democracy and civil.
Comments will be moderated properly, will be given ample space to work, signed for it personally. It will not be censored satire, if not violent or offensive.
Editors assistance loan is still
Dr. Anthony Frisina
give a name
Friday, October 9, 2009
Can You Show Me A Sample Of A Holographic Will
participate to express your ideas ...... IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY .
The collective reflection, through the network, which we organized for 10/10/2009 not an act of distrust of our current administration, but a way to make politics more public and then , less shy and more transparent .
So no prejudice must motivate the participants, but a critical loyal, sincere and constructive.
We invite all citizens to participate, the directors in office, the secretaries of party, if they believe in the initiative, all those who have held public office and that, in their experience, can make a valuable contribution.
Comments can also be posted under pseudonyms, but, where possible, is preferable the signature and phone number.
Comments that contain critical elements to specific individuals must be f irmati under penalty of censure.
Beside the introduction will be made available to a space to rate
Regulation. The vote will close at the regulation 21 of 10/10/2009.
A) for
B) contrary
C) abstained
the evening of Sunday, 11/10/2009 will be made available tool to vote on the institution of external advice. The vote will be closed Monday evening, 12/10/2009, at 21.00.
The invitation is particularly aimed at group leaders board, the Mayor, Dr Barillaro who supported the proposal, the lawyer. Rugolo that gave voting against and Council Riganò who abstained for his group, Dr.. Rosario Palumbo, Secretary of the PD, the secretary of the PDL Mr. Vincenzo Barca, the Secretary of the MPA Music Attorney Eleanor. They invited the other secretaries of which we have no knowledge. E ' particularly welcome the intervention of the administrators of other blogs.
The work of the People's Council will be published in the usual manner.
Oppido Our 09/10/2009
(a flower autunale unnamed)
(Scientific Colchicum AUTUMN)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Vag-com Dongle Emulator
Pending People's Council
Pending the council of the people, designed, built and managed by his friend Toto Frisina, whom go my sincere congratulations for the original initiative, predicting the cue from the comment of a reader, published a few days ago and ruled :
"I read interesting things on this blog and I see that at least you try to move stagnant water, even if they seem in constant motion, more out of breath that is given to words, from all sides that the real will to change . With remarks are off topic, but I wanted to say about the creation of a council of the people that the first rule that jumps to attention is the possibility to join the discussion also anonymously.
But how do you discuss things that affect the community if you do not have the moral courage to extend their voice, their own contribution with a name and a surname? We are on a blog, I understand, but talk about concrete things, I hope it does not do anonymity.
If I misunderstood, I apologize, and ask for further explanation.
With confidence
October 6, 2009 16:10 "
I wonder if the society in which we live is possible to express their ideas with great freedom, within the limits of course established by our criminal law, namely the need to hide behind anonymity for fear of retaliation and reviews.
I personally believe that freedom of expression, manifested not in an anonymous, is one of the greatest achievements of which man should never give up, even if in our environment I would not judge those who feel compelled to use anonymity for fear of unjust reprisal. Carmela
Pending the council of the people, designed, built and managed by his friend Toto Frisina, whom go my sincere congratulations for the original initiative, predicting the cue from the comment of a reader, published a few days ago and ruled :
"I read interesting things on this blog and I see that at least you try to move stagnant water, even if they seem in constant motion, more out of breath that is given to words, from all sides that the real will to change . With remarks are off topic, but I wanted to say about the creation of a council of the people that the first rule that jumps to attention is the possibility to join the discussion also anonymously.
But how do you discuss things that affect the community if you do not have the moral courage to extend their voice, their own contribution with a name and a surname? We are on a blog, I understand, but talk about concrete things, I hope it does not do anonymity.
If I misunderstood, I apologize, and ask for further explanation.
With confidence
October 6, 2009 16:10 "
I wonder if the society in which we live is possible to express their ideas with great freedom, within the limits of course established by our criminal law, namely the need to hide behind anonymity for fear of retaliation and reviews.
I personally believe that freedom of expression, manifested not in an anonymous, is one of the greatest achievements of which man should never give up, even if in our environment I would not judge those who feel compelled to use anonymity for fear of unjust reprisal. Carmela
Throat Sore Every Menstrual
GANDHI - a great witness of nonviolence
Gandhi: the way of nonviolence in the path of Christ. - Let us remember and celebrate his testimony
democracies born from the force of reason , The conscience of the people, by the example and passion of great men.
Violence is also contempt for the freedom of others, justice of the law. The world suffers from this evil that surrounds our country also, which is reducing the democratic space and are adopted new corporate cross-cutting and political factions who use the most unseemly for private affairs.
The Satyagraha is a form of contrast of all human injustice with passive resistance, Gandhi for the term meant "to fight without offending", in Sanskrit ahimsa.
Our time is traversed by a high wave of dialectical contradictions in which humanity loses its appearance of higher animal and substance of mind and reason in the world. The critical ratio of men with the social organization of the planet takes place along paths and violent, marked by wars and terrorism prevention. The first fought by Western powers to defend the well-being achieved and to focus as much wealth as possible in the area developed, the second straining desperately to beat the invasion of Western colonialism and the armed struggle without quarter. Terrorism and preventive war are two sides of same coin, the clash following a single purpose: the liberation of each other, or better hegemony over the human race and the earth's resources.
The journey into and peace seems excluded, nor can still see a warning sign, even in the distant horizon. The way of non-violence is out of perspective and regarded as incompatible with human selfishness, it is a rhetorical category sunk in thought, though is the last chance to steal our fate of the nuclear holocaust.
Liberalism fails, but rises like a phoenix, for maintain privileges, creating reserves of well-being concentrated in few hands, and vast areas of poverty and fear rises and is defended by the most sophisticated, ranging from weapons to mass media, through which can contaminate collective moral and generate new symbols that mysteriously annihilate critical functions of conscience.
In Italy the right is building a selfish nation, weaving our legal system with a series of laws incompatible with the ' common idea of \u200b\u200bjustice, for the latter, also a commodity to be entrusted to coordinate supply and demand and discharged from any evidence of higher ethics and public life.
On the road to non-violence, through which runs the civilization of the exploitation of man over his fellows, drawn from Jesus Christ, messenger and witness of the power of good, the Arab jew who dreamed and preached the new world, has set out KARMCHAD MOHANDAS GANDHI.
was born in 1869 in India, Guyara the 2/Ottobre to Porbander. His idea of \u200b\u200bnon-violence was, perhaps, the most extreme: to fight, to Gandhi, it meant not to damage the opponent but themselves, the very meaning of the evangelical message exchanged for such radical mysticism, but in fact secular expression of tolerance In a sign of love, human solid brick building. The great leader believed in nonviolent martyr of himself, meaning it and winning a formidable weapon: the strength of the property that replaces the bad and that wins. Non-violence in politics is to persuade the opponent, rather than defeat it, bringing him the values \u200b\u200bto which his human weakness causes him to give up. Magic Gandhian satyagraha is concentrated in the Indian words satya (truth existing ones and) agraha (force), and the search for truth is for Gandhi the basic purpose of man, his mission , because they look "more humble dust ", can reach the perfection of which is worthy. His worldview is that God is in the public interest of everyone, without variation hierarchy, we are subject. Gandhi, as Francesco D'Assisi believed that in politics and even dialogue is needed in war, and he conversed with the English enemy, as Francis went to Damietta to talk with the fierce Saladin.
fight in Africa against the rampant white racism, the prison term test several times. Struggle for the liberation of India, Nerhu knows, the latest guidance of independent India. Mahatma was the name that the Indian people had given him and which means "great soul". He died in 1948, January 30, murdered.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Do Scabies Cause High Temperature
assumptions alarming justified by the lack of useful information, given by our citizens care, financing, previously announced by the Province of duemilioni euro for the construction of the new institute comprehensive school, prompted us to check the status of the work by the qualified politician -amminictrativi the Province.
Today, 5/10/2009, during a conversation, 'Councillor for Education in the Province, Prof. Hercules Nucera, has informed us that provincial technical departments are preparing the contract competition, and that it will be ready by the end of December, for the award of the project. C the assured, moreover, the maximum commitment of the Administration and Morabito its staff in the performance of any documents relating to the important work, adding that it is aware of the prestige which the gove Oppido Mamertina Comprehensive School, considered one of the most valuable of the entire province of Reggio. The Deputy Mayor reminded us that he had been at the forefront in supporting the needs of the operator and have met with the support of President Morabito and the entire Administration, which has had particular regard to Oppido.
ask the City Council high vigilance, as we will keep you and people who have already shown a keen interest.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Ridemax Disneyland Schedule Sample
PASSWORD: PREVENTION! Let's talk about tax shelter
The tragic news we receive from nearby Sicily can not fail to alarm us too.
The hydrogeological that affects much of the territory of South Italy is large enough to presage further disasters and tragedies.
Not to mention, then, risk of earthquakes in Calabria, appears to be even higher than elsewhere.
Faced with a situation as critical as there can be limited to hope or pray to remain free from any danger.
action is needed at all levels in order to prevent , with appropriate interventions for the safety of residential areas and public buildings, especially schools and kindergartens, fatal effects of natural disasters more frequent and more dangerous.
The watchword, therefore, must be: PREVENTION!
Pino Frisina
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