Cav. Berlusconi did not waste the chance to rail against the magistrates "communists" in Milan, accusing them of not being about their business and sovereign people to want to change, subverting the electoral verdict that brought him to lead the Italian government.
The utterances of the Knight of arrogance and severity, in our view, extreme, so much so that the representative body of the Italian magisdtrati, The National Association of Magistrates, intended to protest energetically, announcing the public demonstrations in defense of the judiciary in Milan whose only crime is to have expertise in an area in which they consumed a variety of offenses which took part in the current Prime Minister.
In our legal system, as in most jurisdictions of the civilized world, the prosecution is required, so that a judge who receives a notice of the offense, can not remain indifferent to the law's
requires action and he has a duty to act, under penalty of sanctions, including criminal, against him. These things
Cav. Berlusconi should know them well, though he pretends to nothing, and men's richest and most powerful 's Italy, you can so brazenly attacking the judiciary, even takes into consideration above the law, invested with absolute power that follows the investiture of the people.
Forget also, the Hon. The Berlusconi that the executive, whom he represents as the head of government, is just one of the powers of the state of law and that there are other autonomous powers, Power Legislative and Judicial Power, which also embody the popular will.
Justice, in Italy, is exercised "in the name of the Italian people", while the law is equal for everyone, "
so that all citizens are" equal before the law, "including the Cav. Berlusconi, But, obviously, does not recognize these principles and puts it under his feet the same Italian Constitution.
What worries in this general confusion, is that President Napolitano, maximum Guarantor of the Constitution, do not quite feel his authoritative voice.
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