Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Provigil Adderall Together

The suit technology for all seasons

a long time I was looking for a full jacket pants for all seasons, a complete product, even with gloves and harness dedicated under suit, but just when I hoped no longer appear here, at the EICMA 2010, stands a colossal helmets and motorcycle jackets. Later I talk to Arturo that shows me the full technical Desert by Evo Akito a show!
The product is very nice, great seams, many leather inserts in the most stress, such as the crotch. Three layers, all with removable hinges, to stay warm and dry in winter, cool in summer and protected.
There is no doubt ... all'Elefantentreffen we have two to go!
And so on, a couple of phone calls to England, a couple of e-mail in Monaco and all the pieces are in place ... agreement did!
Two complete two pairs of gloves, all sand-colored vests and two under overall.
These days you get the material, so we can do a pre test.
In the next post will insert a data sheet and evaluate the results.
Obviously I have to thank Arthur gave me the right contacts and the team MRD of Monaco: Didier (the boss), Marjorie and Ludivine (sales and marcketing)


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